DE Tedesco dizionario: Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar ha 2 traduzioni in 2 lingue
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traduzioni di Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
Parole prima e dopo Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
- He, warum werde ich ignoriert_
- He-Man
- HeLa-Zellen
- Head
- Head in the Clouds
- Head of State - Das Weiße Haus sieht schwarz
- Head-Airbag
- Head-Crash
- Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
- Head-Up-Display
- Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
- Head-up-Display , HUD
- Headbangen
- Headbangers Ball
- Header
- Header Prüfsumme
- Header-Datei
- Header-Etikett
- Header-Kennsatz
- Header-Kompression
- Header-Länge