Italiano Tedesco
robot Automat
robot da cucina Küchenmaschine
Robot industriale Industrieroboter
robotica Robotertechnik
Robotizzazione Automation
Robots Robots
Robursport Volley Pesaro Pesaro
robustezza Stärke
robusto abgehärtet
Roc-A-Fella Records Roc-A-Fella Records
rocca Festung
Rocca di Cashel Rock of Cashel
roccaforte Festung
roccato behämmert
Rocce a strapiombo sul mare Abhang
rocchetto Rolle
roccia Stein
roccia magmatica magmatisches Gestein
Roccia metamorfica Metamorphe Gesteine
roccia scistosa Schieferton
roccia scoscesa Felszacke
roccia sedimentaria Sedimentgestein
Rocciamelone Rocciamelone
roccioso felsig
Rocco Rochus
Rocco e i suoi fratelli Rocco und seine Brüder
Rocco Siffredi Rocco Siffredi
Rocha Rocha
Rochdale Rochdale
Roche Roche VD
Roche Talamie Roche Talamie
Rochecorbon Rochecorbon
Rochefort Rochefort
Rochefort-sur-Brévon Rochefort
Rochemaure Rochemaure
Roches Roches BE
Rochester Rochester
Rochester Hills Rochester Hills
rochezza Rauheit
Rochlitz Rochlitz
rock Rock
Rock Against Communism Rock against Communism
Rock Against Racism Rock Against Racism
Rock am Ring Rock am Ring
rock and roll Rock
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rock cristiano Christlicher Rock
Rock in Rio Rock in Rio
Rock Island Rock Island
Rock progressivo Progressive Rock
Rock psichedelico Psychedelic Rock
Rock Ridge Rockridge
Rockabilly Rockabilly
Rockall Rockall
Rockenberg Rockenberg
Rocketeer Rocketeer
Rockingham Rockingham
Rockport Rockport
Rockstar Rockstar
Rocksteady Rocksteady
Rockville Rockville
Rocky Rocky
Rocky Balboa Rocky Balboa
Rocky Gray Rocky Gray
Rocky II Rocky II
Rocky Marciano Rocky Marciano
Rocky Ridge Rocky Ridge
Rocky V Rocky V
roco barsch