La ricerca Weisheit ha prodotto 10 risultati
DE Tedesco IT Italiano
Weisheit (n) {f} sapienza (n) {f}
Weisheit (n) [discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good] {f} senso (n) {m} [discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good]
Weisheit (n) [discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good] {f} senno (n) {m} [discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good]
Weisheit (n) [ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding] {f} discernimento (n) {m} [ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding]
Weisheit [Urteil] {f} saggezza {f} [Urteil]
DE Tedesco IT Italiano
Weisheit (n) [Urteil] {f} saggezza (n) {f} [Urteil]
Weisheit (n) [ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way] {f} saggezza (n) {f} [ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way]
Weisheit (n) [ability to know and apply spiritual truths] {f} saggezza (n) {f} [ability to know and apply spiritual truths]
Weisheit (n) [element of personal character] {f} saggezza (n) {f} [element of personal character]
Weisheit (n) [piece of wise advice] {f} saggezza (n) {f} [piece of wise advice]

Tedesco Italiano traduzioni

DE Sinonimi per weisheit IT Traduzioni
Wissen [geistiger Überblick] n sapere {m}
Qualität [geistiger Überblick] f qualità {f}
Kenntnis [geistiger Überblick] f conoscenza {f}
Horizont [geistiger Überblick] m Orizzonte
Gelehrsamkeit [geistiger Überblick] f sapere {m}
Allgemeinbildung [geistiger Überblick] f cultura generale {f}
Sachkenntnis [geistiger Überblick] f tecnica {f}
Kultur [geistiger Überblick] f cultura {f}
Bildung [geistiger Überblick] f istruzione {f}
Gebildetsein [geistiger Überblick] Cultura
Kopf [Verstand] m capo {m}
Geist [Verstand] m spirito {m}
Überblick [Verstand] m veduta panoramica {f}
Auge [Verstand] n occhio {m}
Logik [Verstand] f logica {f}
Fähigkeit [Verstand] f capacità {f}
Verstand [Verstand] m ragione {f}
Hirn [Verstand] n cervello {m}
Denkweise [Verstand] (f Pensiero
Intellekt [Verstand] m intelletto {m}