La ricerca zerbino ha prodotto 4 risultati
IT Italiano DE Tedesco
zerbino (n) [generale] {m} Abtreter (n) {m} [generale]
zerbino (n) [generale] {m} Fußabtreter (n) {m} [generale]
zerbino (n) [coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house] {m} Fußmatte (n) [coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house]
zerbino (n) [coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house] {m} Fußabstreifer (n) [coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house]
IT Sinonimi per zerbino DE Traduzioni
damerino [cascamorto] m dandy {m}
stoino [tappetino] m deurmat {m}
tappetino [stuoia] tapijt {n}