Italiano Inglese
nemica numero uno archenemy
Nemiche amiche Stepmom
Nemici di Sailor Moon Sailor Moon
Nemici in Ocarina of Time Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series
nemico enemy
nemico mortale archenemy
nemico numero uno archenemy
nemico pubblico public enemy
nemico secolare hereditary enemy
nemmeno neither
Nemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest quam ipse habet Bona fide purchaser
Nemo tenetur se detegere Right to silence
Nemorhaedus Nemorhaedus
Nemorhaedus caudatus Nemorhaedus caudatus
Nemorhaedus crispus Japanese Serow
Nemorhaedus goral Gray Goral
Nemorhaedus sumatraensis Mainland Serow
Nemorhaedus swinhoei Taiwan Serow
Nemours Nemours
Nemrut Dağı Mount Nemrut
Nemu Kurotsuchi Nemu Kurotsuchi
Nemunas Neman River
Nemšová Nemšová
Nenadkevichite Nenadkevichite
Nenagh Nenagh
Nenci Nenets people
Nendaz Nendaz
Nendorp Nendorp
Nenecia Nenets Autonomous Okrug
nenia dirge
Nennigkofen Nennigkofen
Nenning Nenning
Nennio Nennius
Nennslingen Nennslingen
Nenzing Nenzing
Nenzlingen Nenzlingen
neo neon
neo finto patch
Neo Geo Neo Geo
Neo Geo CD Neo Geo CD
Neo Geo Pocket Neo Geo Pocket
Neo Geo Pocket Color Neo Geo Pocket Color
Neo Psichikò Neo Psychiko
Neo-Dada Neo-Dada
Neo-progressive Neo-progressive rock
Neo-Romanticismo Neo-romanticism
Neo-tifinagh Tifinagh
Neoarcheano Neoarchean
Neochoerus pinckneyi Neochoerus pinckneyi
Neoclassical metal Neo-classical metal
neocolonialismo neocolonialism
Neoconservatorismo Neoconservatism
Neodarwinismo Modern evolutionary synthesis
neodimio neodymium
neodiplomato recent graduate
Neofascismo Neo-fascism
Neofelis Neofelis
neofita convert
Neofolk Neofolk
Neoformazione Neologism
Neogastropoda Neogastropoda
Neogene Neogene
Neogotico Gothic Revival architecture
Neohylomys hainanensis Hainan Gymnure
Neokantismo Neo-Kantianism
neolatina Romance
neolatino Romance
neolitico neolithic
Neolloydia Neolloydia
neologismo neologism