Italiano Inglese
Raimondo de Cardona Ramón de Cardona
Raimondo di Peñafort Raymond of Peñafort
Raimondo di Poitiers Raymond of Antioch
Raimondo di Tolosa Raymond IV of Toulouse
Raimondo I di Tolosa Raymond I of Toulouse
Raimondo II di Tolosa Raymond II of Toulouse
Raimondo III di Tripoli Raymond III of Tripoli
Raimondo Lullo Ramon Llull
Raimondo Montecuccoli Italian cruiser Raimondo Montecuccoli
Raimondo Orsini Del Balzo Raimondo del Balzo Orsini
Raimondo Ponzio I di Tolosa Raymond Pons of Toulouse
Raimondo V di Tolosa Raymond V of Toulouse
Raimondo VI di Tolosa Raymond VI of Toulouse
Raimondo VII di Tolosa Raymond VII of Toulouse
Raimundo Andueza Palacio Raimundo Andueza Palacio
Raimundo Orsi Raimundo Orsi
Rain Rain
Raina Kabaivanska Raina Kabaivanska
Rainaldo di Dassel Rainald of Dassel
Rainau Rainau
Rainbach im Mühlkreis Rheinbach
Rainbow Warrior Rainbow Warrior
Rainer Ludwig Claisen Rainer Ludwig Claisen
Rainer Maria Rilke Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Werner Fassbinder Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Rainer Wolfcastle Rainier Wolfcastle
Rainulfo Drengot Rainulf Drengot
raion rayon
Raipur Raipur
Raisa Maksimovna Gorbačëva Raisa Gorbachyova
Raisa Smetanina Raisa Smetanina
Raisio Raisio
Raisting Raisting
Raistlin Majere Raistlin Majere
Raitenbuch Raitenbuch
Raj Britannico British Raj
Raj Kapoor Raj Kapoor
Raja Casablanca Raja Casablanca
Raja Yoga Raja Yoga
Rajab Rajab
Rajaraja Chola I Rajaraja Chola I
Rajasaurus narmadensis Rajasaurus
Rajasthan Rajasthan
Rajiformes Rajiformes
Rajiv Gandhi Rajiv Gandhi
Rakhine Rakhine people
Rakhiv Rakhiv
Rakim Rakim
Rakkestad Rakkestad
Rakovník Rakovník
Raku Raku ware
Rakvere Rakvere
Raleigh Raleigh
Ralf Dahrendorf Ralf Dahrendorf
Ralf Hütter Ralf Hütter
Ralf Schumacher Ralf Schumacher
Ralingen Ralingen
rallegramenti congratulations
rallegrante exhilarating
rallegrare animate
rallegrare con regale with
rallegrarsi buck up
rallentamento run-down
rallentamento di attività run-down
rallentare slow down
rallentare la velocità decelerate
rallentato delayed
rallentatore speed bump
rallentatore di velocità speed bump
Rallidae Rallidae
rally rally
Rally Dakar Dakar Rally
Rally di Finlandia Rally Finland
Rally di Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Rally
Ralph Bakshi Ralph Bakshi
Ralph Bunce Ralph Bunche
Ralph Fiennes Ralph Fiennes
Ralph Firman Ralph Firman
Ralph Gonsalves Ralph Gonsalves
Ralph Nader Ralph Nader
Ralph Sonny Barger Sonny Barger
Ralph supermaxieroe The Greatest American Hero
Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Winchester Ralph Wiggum
RAM Random access memory
Ram It Down Ram it Down
Rama Rama
Rama I Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke
Rama II Buddha Loetla Nabhalai
Rama III Jessadabodindra
Rama IV King Mongkut King Rama IV
Rama IV Mongkut King Rama IV
Ramadan Ramadan