La ricerca TO ha prodotto 36 risultati
EN Inglese IT Italiano
to (o) [general] in confronto a (o) [general]
to (o) [direction] in (o) [direction]
to (o) [in each] in (o) [in each]
to (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] in (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
to (o) [reaching as far as] fino a (o) [reaching as far as]
to (o) [until and including] fino (o) [until and including]
to (o) [general] con riferimento a (o) [general]
to (o) [general] rispetto a (o) [general]
to (o) [general] a paragone di (o) [general]
to (o) [direction] su (o) [direction]
to (o) [preference] piuttosto che (o) [preference]
to (o) [preference] più di (o) [preference]
to a tavola
to al
to allo (conj n prep)
to alla (conj n prep)
to ad
to alle
to (o) [general] a (o) [general]
to (o) [time] meno (o) {m} [time]
to (o) [general] per (o) [general]
to (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] per (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
to (o) [reason] per (o) [reason]
to a
to (o) [destination] a (o) [destination]
to (o) [direction] a (o) [direction]
to (o) [in honor of] a (o) [in honor of]
to (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
to (o) [indirect object] a (o) [indirect object]
to (o) [reaching as far as] a (o) [reaching as far as]
to (o) [time] a (o) [time]
to (o) [general] di (o) [general]
to (o) [direction] da (o) [direction]
to (o) [causing] con (o) [causing]
to in
to per

Inglese Italiano traduzioni

EN Sinonimi per to IT Traduzioni
toward [position] tot
facing [position] tegenover
through [position] (informal doorheen
until [time] binnen