La ricerca toilet ha prodotto 24 risultati
EN Inglese IT Italiano
toilet (n v) [bathroom with toilet] bagno (n v) {m} [bathroom with toilet]
toilet (n v) [bathroom with toilet] WC (n v) [bathroom with toilet] (n v)
toilet abbigliatura
toilet (n v) [bathroom with toilet] cesso (n v) {m} [bathroom with toilet]
toilet (n) [bathroom appliance] water-closet (n) {m} [bathroom appliance]
toilet (n) [bathroom appliance] water (n) {m} [bathroom appliance]
toilet (n v) [bathroom with toilet] ritirata (n v) {f} [bathroom with toilet]
toilet pulizia {f}
toilet (n) [hygiene] toletta (n) {f} [hygiene]
toilet (n v) [bathroom with toilet] toletta (n v) {f} [bathroom with toilet]
toilet (n) [hygiene] toilette (n) {f} [hygiene]
toilet (n v) [bathroom with toilet] toilette (n v) {f} [bathroom with toilet]
toilet (n) [hygiene] gabinetto (n) {m} [hygiene]
toilet (n v) [bathroom with toilet] gabinetto (n v) {m} [bathroom with toilet]
toilet (n) [bathroom appliance] gabinetto (n) {m} [bathroom appliance]
toilet (n v) [bathroom with toilet] toeletta (n v) {f} [bathroom with toilet]
toilet (n) [hygiene] bagno (n) {m} [hygiene]
toilet bagno {m}
toilet gabinetto {m}
toilet toilette {f}
toilet cesso {m}
toilet ritirata {f}
toilet toeletta {f}
toilet toletta {f}

Inglese Italiano traduzioni

EN Sinonimi per toilet IT Traduzioni
dressing [appearance] Dressing {n}
grooming [appearance] Dienstetrennung
bathing [appearance] schwimmend
showering [appearance] regnend
lavatory [thing] Waschraum {m}
amenity [thing] Komfortmerkmal
throne [thing] Pott {m} (Schiff)
potty [thing] (informal Topf {m}
bath [bathroom] Wanne {f}
shower [bathroom] Sippschaft {f}
spa [bathroom] Mineralbad
sauna [bathroom] Saunabad
shower room [bathroom] Duschraum