La ricerca treason ha prodotto 2 risultati
EN Inglese IT Italiano
treason (n) [crime of betraying one’s government] tradimento (n) {m} [crime of betraying one’s government]
treason (n) [general] tradimento (n) {m} [general]

Inglese Italiano traduzioni

EN Sinonimi per treason IT Traduzioni
fraud [treachery] wyłudzenie (n v)
betrayal [treachery] zdrada {f}
damage [destruction] szkoda {f}
vandalism [destruction] wandalizm
sabotage [destruction] sabotaż {m}
defeat [overthrow] porażka {f}
conspiracy [overthrow] spisek {m}
insurrection [overthrow] powstanie {n}
destruction [overthrow] niszczenie
sedition [overthrow] (law bunt {m}