La ricerca entorpecer ha prodotto 7 risultati
ES Spagnolo IT Italiano
entorpecer (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think] istupidire (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think]
entorpecer (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think] sbalordire (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think]
entorpecer (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think] confondere (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think]
entorpecer (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think] stupefare (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think]
entorpecer (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think] ingarbugliare (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think]
ES Spagnolo IT Italiano
entorpecer (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think] abbrutire (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think]
entorpecer (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think] annebbiare (v) [dull the senses or capacity to think]

Spagnolo Italiano traduzioni

ES Sinonimi per entorpecer IT Traduzioni
complicar [empeorar] 複雑にする (v adj)
reprimir [estorbar] 噛み殺す (n v)
atar [estorbar] 留める (v)
desconcertar [aturdir] 間誤付かせる (n v)
evitar [impedir] 予防する (v)
desbaratar [impedir] 破産させる (n v)
estropear [impedir] こわす (v n)
frenar [impedir] m ブレーキ (n v)
barrenar [impedir] 自沈 (n v)
embrollar [dificultar] 巻く (maku)
confundir [dificultar] 間誤付かせる (n v)
enmarañar [dificultar] 縺れる (v n)
detener [contener] 引き留める (v)
molestar [retardar] 乱す (v)
contener [obstaculizar] 含む (v)
prevenir [evitar] 予防する (v)