La ricerca tirarse ha prodotto 8 risultati
ES Spagnolo IT Italiano
tirarse scopare
tirarse (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar] scopare (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar]
tirarse (n v int) [vulgar slang: have sexual intercourse with] scopare (n v int) [vulgar slang: have sexual intercourse with]
tirarse (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar] trombare (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar]
tirarse (n v int) [vulgar slang: have sexual intercourse with] trombare (n v int) [vulgar slang: have sexual intercourse with]
tirarse (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar] fottere (v n int adv) [to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar]
tirarse trombare
tirarse fottere

Spagnolo Italiano traduzioni

ES Sinonimi per tirarse IT Traduzioni
yacer [tumbarse] लेटा (leṭā honā)
saltar [lanzarse] कूदना
descansar [tenderse] आराम करना (n v)
caer [tenderse] पड़ना (paṛnā)