La ricerca corde ha prodotto 25 risultati
FR Francese IT Italiano
corde (n) [ficelle] {f} spago (n) {m} [ficelle]
corde (n v) [nautical] {f} cordaggio (n v) [nautical] (n v)
corde (n v) [physics: subject of study in string theory] {f} teoria delle stringhe (n v) [physics: subject of study in string theory] (n v)
corde (n v) [long, thin structure made from twisted threads] {f} laccetto (n v) [long, thin structure made from twisted threads]
corde (n v) [this structure as a substance] {f} canapo (n v) [this structure as a substance]
corde (n v) [long, thin structure made from twisted threads] {f} legaccio (n v) [long, thin structure made from twisted threads]
corde (n v) [this structure as a substance] {f} stringa (n v) [this structure as a substance]
corde (n v) [long, thin structure made from twisted threads] {f} stringa (n v) [long, thin structure made from twisted threads]
corde (n v) [nautical] {f} cordame (n v) {m} [nautical]
corde (n v) [long, thin structure made from twisted threads] {f} spago (n v) {m} [long, thin structure made from twisted threads]
corde (n) [général] {f} fune (n) {f} [général]
corde {f} spago {m}
corde (n v) [this structure as a substance] {f} corda (n v) {f} [this structure as a substance]
corde (n v) [thick, strong string] {f} corda (n v) {f} [thick, strong string]
corde (n v) [straight line] {f} corda (n v) {f} [straight line]
corde (n) [musique - instruments] {f} corda (n) {f} [musique - instruments]
corde (n) [général] {f} corda (n) {f} [général]
corde (n) [ficelle] {f} corda (n) {f} [ficelle]
corde (n v) [a length of this string] {f} corda (n v) {f} [a length of this string]
corde (n v) [thick, strong string] {f} cavo (n v) {m} [thick, strong string]
corde {f} cavo {m}
corde (n v) [this structure as a substance] {f} fune (n v) {f} [this structure as a substance]
corde {f} stringa
corde {f} laccetto
corde {f} legaccio

Francese Italiano traduzioni

FR Sinonimi per corde IT Traduzioni
attache [câble] f brida (n v)
chaîne [câble] f canale {m}
cordage [câble] m corda {f}
amarre [câble] f gomena {f}
articulation [chaîne] f giuntura {f}
laisse [chaîne] f guinzaglio {m}
liaison [chaîne] f legame {m}
nœud [chaîne] m nodo {m}
racine [chaîne] f tema {m}
agrafe [chaîne] f graffetta {f}
boucle [chaîne] f fibbia {f}
bouton [chaîne] m pulsante {m}
câble [chaîne] m cavo {m}
crochet [chaîne] m croscè (n v)
fermeture [chaîne] f chiusura {f}
ficelle [objet] f spago {m}
pendaison [fait] f impiccagione {f}
potence [fait] f patibolo {m}
fibre [sentiment] f fibra {f}
cordon [attache] m cordone di chiusura {m}