La ricerca suppression ha prodotto 7 risultati
FR Francese IT Italiano
suppression (n) [act of cancelling] annullamento (n) {m} [act of cancelling]
suppression (n) [act of cancelling] disdetta (n) {f} [act of cancelling]
suppression (n) [act of cancelling] abrogazione (n) {f} [act of cancelling]
suppression (n) [act of cancelling] cancellazione (n) {f} [act of cancelling]
suppression (n) [act of cancelling] annullo (n) {m} [act of cancelling]
FR Francese IT Italiano
suppression (n) [act of cancelling] revoca (n) {f} [act of cancelling]
suppression (n) [act of cancelling] sospensione (n) {f} [act of cancelling]

Francese Italiano traduzioni

FR Sinonimi per suppression IT Traduzioni
résiliation [abrogation] f intrekken
annulation [abrogation] f intrekken
révocation [abrogation] f revocatie {f}
infirmation [abrogation] f nietigverklaring {f}
invalidation [abrogation] f nietigverklaring {f}
prescription [abrogation] f reglementering {f}
cessation [abrogation] f beëindiging {f}
extinction [abrogation] f uitsterven {n}
résolution [abrogation] f resolutie {f}
retrait [abrogation] m terugroeping {f}
abolition [abrogation] f opheffing {f}
abrogation [abolition] f opheffing {f}
disparition [effacement] f verdwijning {f}
élimination [suppression] f intrekken
manque [absence] m tekort {n}
restriction [absence] f terughoudendheid {f}
défaut [absence] m niet-nakoming {f}
insuffisance [absence] f incongruentie {f}
perte [absence] f gemis {n}
sacrifice [absence] m opoffering {f}