La ricerca a quadretti ha prodotto 2 risultati
IT Italiano PT Portoghese
a quadretti (a) [abbigliamento] quadriculado (a) [abbigliamento]
a quadretti (a) [abbigliamento] xadrez (a) {m} [abbigliamento]

IT PT Traduzioni pera

a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] para (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object] para (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object]
a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios] a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object] a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object]
a em
a (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship] com (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship]
a (v prep) [be the property of] pertencer (v prep) [be the property of]