La ricerca по моти́вам ha prodotto un risultato
RU Russo IT Italiano
по моти́вам (adv prep conj adj) [in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing] (adv prep conj adj) da (adv prep conj adj) [in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing]

RU IT Traduzioni perпо

по (n prep) [by (means of); using (a medium)] (prap+dat) per (n prep) [by (means of); using (a medium)]
по (prep adv adj n) [indicates a rule followed] (prap+dat) per (prep adv adj n) [indicates a rule followed]
по (n prep) [by (means of); using (a medium)] (prap+dat) via (n prep) {f} [by (means of); using (a medium)]
по (prep conj) [in physical contact with] (prap+dat) contro (prep conj) [in physical contact with]
по (adj n) [at the highest level of development] (prap+dat) stato dell'arte (adj n) [at the highest level of development] (adj n)