La ricerca colpire ha prodotto 13 risultati
IT Italiano RU Russo
colpire (v) [to hit] карать (v) [to hit] (vt)
colpire (v n) [to hit] бить (v n) [to hit]
colpire (n v adj) [to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike] бить (n v adj) [to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike]
colpire (v n) [to hit] уда́рить (v n) [to hit] (n v)
colpire (n v adj) [to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike] уда́рить (n v adj) [to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike] (n v)
IT Italiano RU Russo
colpire (n v) [To hit, slap or strike] ударя́ть (n v) [To hit, slap or strike] (v)
colpire (v n) [to hit] ударя́ть (v n) [to hit] (v)
colpire (n v adj) [to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike] ударя́ть (n v adj) [to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike] (v)
colpire (n v) [тo beat, to strike] колоти́ть (n v) [тo beat, to strike] (v n)
colpire (n v) [тo beat, to strike] поколоти́ть (n v) [тo beat, to strike] (v n)
colpire (n v adj) [to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike] поби́ть (n v adj) [to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike] (v n)
colpire (v) [to infect or harm] поража́ть (v) [to infect or harm] (v n)
colpire (v n) [To overwhelm with wonder; to stun or amaze] изумля́ть (v n) [To overwhelm with wonder; to stun or amaze] (v)
IT Sinonimi per colpire RU Traduzioni
attaccare [scagliarsi] ragaszt (n v)
caricare [scagliarsi] felhúz
battere [percuotere] m legyőz (n v adj)
cogliere [centrare] összeszed (v n)
toccare [impressionare] hozzányúl
uccidere [fulminare] gyilkol
commuovere [fare impressione] megérint
pesare [cadere] lemér (v)
rapire [stupire] elrabol (v)
sbalordire [stupire] meglep
sorprendere [stupire] meglepni
meravigliare [stupire] meglep
frustare [battere] megvesszőz (v)
pugnalare [infilzare] szúr (n v)