La ricerca da ha prodotto 6 risultati
IT Italiano RU Russo
da (adv prep conj) [from (time)] с (adv prep conj) [from (time)]
da (n adj v) [of a musical solo] со́ло (n adj v) [of a musical solo] (n adj v)
da (adv conj) [from where; from which place or source] отку́да (adv conj) [from where; from which place or source] (adv conj)
da (adv prep conj adj) [in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing] в честь (adv prep conj adj) [in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing] (adv prep conj adj)
da (adv prep conj adj) [in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing] по моти́вам (adv prep conj adj) [in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing] (adv prep conj adj)
da (n adj adv) [from the East] восто́чный (n adj adv) [from the East] (n adj adv)
IT Sinonimi per da RU Traduzioni
con [da] with
a causa di [per] due to
per [presso] toward
attraverso [presso] across