La ricerca verso ha prodotto 12 risultati
IT Italiano RU Russo
verso (prep adj) [in the direction of] {m} к (prep adj) [in the direction of] (prap lok +dat)
verso (conj prep) [towards] {m} к (conj prep) [towards] (prap lok +dat)
verso (conj prep) [towards] {m} на (conj prep) [towards] (prap)
verso (n v) [derision; ridicule; mockery] {m} насме́шка (n v) [derision; ridicule; mockery] (v n)
verso (n v) [math: direction of a vector] {m} направле́ние (n v) [math: direction of a vector] (n v)
verso (prep adj) [in the direction of] {m} в направле́нии (prep adj) [in the direction of] (prep adj)
verso (prep adj) [in the direction of] {m} навстре́чу (prep adj) [in the direction of] (prep adj)
verso (prep adj) [in the direction of] {m} в сто́рону (prep adj) [in the direction of] (prep adj)
verso (n) [the back side of a flat object] {m} оборотная сторона́ (n) [the back side of a flat object] (n)
verso (n) [the back side of a flat object] {m} реверс (n) [the back side of a flat object] (n)
verso (n) [the left-hand page of a book] {m} левая страни́ца (n) [the left-hand page of a book] (n)
verso (n v) [cry of a hen or goose, especially when laying an egg] {m} куда́хтанье (n v) [cry of a hen or goose, especially when laying an egg] (n v)
IT Sinonimi per verso RU Traduzioni
con [verso] a
intorno a [su] em torno de
ala [parte] f asa {f}
direzione [parte] f direção {f}
fianco [parte] m flanco {m}
banda [parte] f gangue {f}
bordo [parte] m margem {f}
zona [parte] f cinturão {m}
costa [parte] f beira {f}
cantuccio [parte] m cubículo {m}
mano [parte] f rodada {f}
lato [parte] m aresta {f}
parte [lato] f parte {f}
indirizzo [andamento] m morada
tendenza [andamento] f tendenciosidade (n v)
inclinazione [andamento] f tendenciosidade (n v)
piega [andamento] f ruga {f}
retro [rovescio] m parte {f}
senso [direzione] m sensação {f}
riga [riga] f linha {f}