La ricerca dare ascolto a ha prodotto un risultato
IT Italiano SV Svedese
dare ascolto a (v) [comportamento] hörsamma (v) [comportamento]

IT SV Traduzioni perdare

dare (v) [aiutare] {m} lämna (v) [aiutare]
dare (v) [informazione] {m} lämna (v) [informazione]
dare (v) [consegnare] {m} överlämna (v) [consegnare]
dare (v) [dono] {m} överlämna (v) [dono]
dare (v) [generale] {m} överlämna (v) [generale]
dare (v) [giochi - carte] {m} överlämna (v) [giochi - carte]
dare (v) [informazione] {m} överlämna (v) [informazione]
dare (v) [posto] {m} överlämna (v) [posto]
dare (v) [matematica] {m} anta (v) [matematica]
dare (adj v n) [formal: to offer, give] {m} erbjuda (adj v n) [formal: to offer, give]

IT SV Traduzioni perascolto

ascolto {m} lyda
ascolto {m} lyssna
ascolto (n) [generale] {m} lyssnande (n) {n} [generale]

IT SV Traduzioni pera

a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] till (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
a (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship] till (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios] till (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object] till (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object]
a (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship] mot (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object] åt (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object]
a vid
a (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship] med (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship]
a (v prep) [be the property of] tillhöra (v prep) [be the property of]