La ricerca redovisning ha prodotto 11 risultati
SV Svedese IT Italiano
redovisning (n v) [a statement and explanation or vindication] (u) motivo (n v) {m} [a statement and explanation or vindication]
redovisning (n v) [a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.] (u) motivo (n v) {m} [a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.]
redovisning (n v) [a statement and explanation or vindication] (u) ragione (n v) {f} [a statement and explanation or vindication]
redovisning (n v) [a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.] (u) ragione (n v) {f} [a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.]
redovisning (n v) [a statement and explanation or vindication] (u) causa (n v) {f} [a statement and explanation or vindication]
SV Svedese IT Italiano
redovisning (n v) [a statement and explanation or vindication] (u) caso (n v) {m} [a statement and explanation or vindication]
redovisning (n v) [a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.] (u) resoconto (n v) {m} [a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.]
redovisning (n v) [a statement of facts or occurrences] (u) resoconto (n v) {m} [a statement of facts or occurrences]
redovisning (n v) [a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.] (u) descrizione (n v) {f} [a statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc.]
redovisning (n v) [a statement of facts or occurrences] (u) descrizione (n v) {f} [a statement of facts or occurrences]
redovisning (n v) [a statement and explanation or vindication] (u) giustificazione (n v) {f} [a statement and explanation or vindication]

Svedese Italiano traduzioni

SV Sinonimi per redovisning IT Traduzioni
redogörelse [utläggning] (u descrizione {f}
referat [utläggning] n riassunto {m}
sammandrag [utläggning] n epitome {f}
rapport [utläggning] (u rapporto {m}
sammanfattning [utläggning] (u riassunto {m}
utlåtande [utläggning] opinione {f}
översikt [utläggning] (u mappa del sito (n)
meddelande [redogörelse] n notificazione {f}
berättelse [redogörelse] (u fiaba {f}
not [redogörelse] (u rete a strascico {f}
skrivelse [redogörelse] mandato {m}
reda [räkenskap] legare
specifikation [bokföring] (u specifica {f}
version [bild] (u versione {f}