court de tennis ha 22 traduzioni in 14 lingue

traduzioni di court de tennis

FR IT Italiano 2 traduzioni
  • campo (n v) [place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games] {m}
  • campo da tennis (n) [sport - tennis] {m}
FR EN Inglese 1 traduzione
  • tennis court (n) [sport - tennis, surface on which tennis is played]
FR ES Spagnolo 3 traduzioni
FR DE Tedesco 1 traduzione
  • Tennisplatz (n) [sport - tennis, surface on which tennis is played] {m}
FR PT Portoghese 2 traduzioni
  • quadra (n v) [place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games, surface on which tennis is played] {f}
  • quadra de tênis (n) [sport - tennis] {f}
FR NL Olandese 3 traduzioni
  • baan (n v) [place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games] {m}
  • tennisbaan (n) [sport - tennis, surface on which tennis is played] {m}
  • tennisveld (n) [sport - tennis, surface on which tennis is played] {n}
FR SV Svedese 1 traduzione
FR CS Ceco 2 traduzioni
  • kurt (n v) [place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games] {m}
  • dvorec (n v) [place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games] {m}
FR PL Polacco 1 traduzione
  • kort (n v) [place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games] {m}
FR DA Danese 1 traduzione
FR BG Bulgaro 1 traduzione
  • корт (n v) [place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games] {m}
FR HU Ungherese 1 traduzione
  • teniszpálya (n v) [place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games, surface on which tennis is played] (n)
FR RU Russo 2 traduzioni
FR JA Giapponese 1 traduzione