transaction juridique ha 8 traduzioni in 6 lingue

traduzioni di transaction juridique

FR EN Inglese 1 traduzione
  • settlement agreement (n) [a contractual agreement between parties to actual or potential litigation by which each party agrees to a resolution of the underlying dispute] (n)
FR ES Spagnolo 1 traduzione
  • conciliación judicial (n) [a contractual agreement between parties to actual or potential litigation by which each party agrees to a resolution of the underlying dispute] (n)
FR NL Olandese 2 traduzioni
  • schikking (n) [a contractual agreement between parties to actual or potential litigation by which each party agrees to a resolution of the underlying dispute] {f}
  • conciliatie (n) [a contractual agreement between parties to actual or potential litigation by which each party agrees to a resolution of the underlying dispute] {f}
FR SV Svedese 1 traduzione
  • förlikning (n) [a contractual agreement between parties to actual or potential litigation by which each party agrees to a resolution of the underlying dispute] (u)
FR PL Polacco 1 traduzione
  • ugoda (n) [a contractual agreement between parties to actual or potential litigation by which each party agrees to a resolution of the underlying dispute] {f}
FR RU Russo 2 traduzioni
  • мирово́е соглаше́ние (n) [a contractual agreement between parties to actual or potential litigation by which each party agrees to a resolution of the underlying dispute] (n)
  • мирова́я сде́лка (n) [a contractual agreement between parties to actual or potential litigation by which each party agrees to a resolution of the underlying dispute] (n)