IT Italiano dizionario: dettato
dettato ha 11 traduzioni in 10 lingue
traduzioni di dettato
- dictation [an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down, generale]
IT ES Spagnolo 1 traduzione
- dictado (n) [generale, the process of speaking for someone else to write down the words] {m}
IT FR Francese 1 traduzione
- dictée (n) [an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down, generale, the process of speaking for someone else to write down the words] {f}
IT DE Tedesco 1 traduzione
- Diktat (n) [an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down, generale] {n}
IT NL Olandese 1 traduzione
- dictee (n) [generale, the process of speaking for someone else to write down the words] {n}
IT PT Portoghese 1 traduzione
- ditado (n) [an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down, generale, the process of speaking for someone else to write down the words] {m}
IT BG Bulgaro 1 traduzione
- диктовка (n) [an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down, the process of speaking for someone else to write down the words] (n)
IT HU Ungherese 1 traduzione
- tollbamondás (n) [an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down] (n)
IT RU Russo 2 traduzioni
IT JA Giapponese 1 traduzione
- 聞き取り (n) [an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down] (n)