IT Italiano dizionario: isole Falkland
isole Falkland ha 33 traduzioni in 17 lingue
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traduzioni di isole Falkland
- Falkland Islands [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
IT ES Spagnolo 3 traduzioni
- islas Malvinas [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
- Islas Falkland
- Islas Malvinas
IT FR Francese 3 traduzioni
- Malouines [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
- îles Falkland [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
- Îles Malouines
IT DE Tedesco 1 traduzione
- Falklandinseln (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
IT NL Olandese 1 traduzione
- Falklandeilanden (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
IT PT Portoghese 4 traduzioni
- ilhas Falkland (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
- ilhas Malvinas (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
- Ilhas Malvinas
- Malvinas
IT SV Svedese 1 traduzione
- Falklandsöarna (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
IT PL Polacco 2 traduzioni
IT DA Danese 2 traduzioni
- Falklandsøerne [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
- Malvinerne (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
IT BG Bulgaro 2 traduzioni
- Фолкландски острови
- Малвински острови (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic] {m}
IT HU Ungherese 1 traduzione
- Falkland-szigetek (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]
IT RU Russo 6 traduzioni
- Фолклендские острова
- Фолклендские острова (Мальвинские)
- Фолкле́ндские острова́ (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic] (proper)
- Фолкле́нды (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic] (proper)
- Мальви́нские острова́ (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic] (proper)
- Мальви́ны (proper) [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic] (proper)
IT HI Hindi 2 traduzioni
- माल्विनास द्वीपसमूह [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic] {m} (maalvinaas dweepsamuuh)
- फ़ौल्कलैन्ड द्वीपसमूह
IT JA Giapponese 1 traduzione
- フォークランド諸島 [overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic]