PT Portoghese dizionario: Banco
Banco ha 127 traduzioni in 19 lingue
traduzioni di Banco
- banco (n v) [long seat, an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank] {m}
- panca (n) [atividade bancária, long seat, mobília] {f}
- panchina (n) [atividade bancária, mobília] {f}
- banca (n v) [institution, storage for important goods, mobília, branch office of such an institution, atividade bancária] {f}
- sgabello (n) [a seat, mobília] {m}
- poggiapiedi (n) [mobília] {m}
- Banca
- arcaccia (v n) [seat attached to both sides of a boat] (v n)
- pachina (n v) [sports: where players sit when not playing] (n v)
- bench seat (n) [mobília]
- bench (n) [mobília]
- bank [an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank, atividade bancária]
- bed (n v) [area where a large number of shellfish is found]
- blood bank (n) [place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored]
- stool (n) [mobília]
- Bank
PT ES Spagnolo 12 traduzioni
- almacén (n v) [storage for important goods] {m}
- banco [an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank, atividade bancária, branch office of such an institution, institution, long seat, mobília, storage for important goods] {m}
- banca (n v) [sports: where players sit when not playing, institution] {f}
- banco de sangre (n) [place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored] {m}
- sucursal (n v) [branch office of such an institution] {f}
- silla (n) [a seat] {f}
- taburete (n) [a seat, mobília] {m}
- banquillo (n) [mobília] {m}
- escabel (n) [mobília] {m}
- bajío (n v) [an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank] {m}
- bancada (v n) [seat attached to both sides of a boat]
- Banco
PT FR Francese 6 traduzioni
- banc (n v) [an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank, atividade bancária, long seat, mobília, seat attached to both sides of a boat] {m}
- banque [atividade bancária, branch office of such an institution, institution, mobília, storage for important goods] {f}
- siège arrière (n) [seat] {m}
- tabouret (n) [a seat, mobília] {m}
- Banque
- tabouret-bar (n) [a seat] {m}
PT DE Tedesco 6 traduzioni
- Bank (n v) [an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank, area where a large number of shellfish is found, atividade bancária, branch office of such an institution, institution, long seat, mobília, sports: where players sit when not playing, storage for important goods] {f}
- Blutbank (n) [place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored] {f}
- Rücksitz (n) [seat] {m}
- Schemel (n) [mobília] {m}
- Sitzbank (n v) [long seat]
- Hocker (n) [a seat] {m}
PT NL Olandese 12 traduzioni
- bank (n) [atividade bancária, branch office of such an institution, institution, long seat, mobília, sports: where players sit when not playing, area where a large number of shellfish is found] {m}
- zitbank (n) [atividade bancária, long seat, mobília] {m}
- barkruk (n) [a seat] {m}
- bloedbank (n) [place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored] {m}
- kruk (n) [a seat, mobília] {m}
- achterbank (n) [seat] {m}
- bankje (n) [mobília] {n}
- voetbank (n) [mobília] {m}
- voetenbank (n) [mobília] {m}
- voetbankje (n) [mobília] {n}
- voetenbankje (n) [mobília] {n}
- -bank (n v) [storage for important goods] (n v)
PT SV Svedese 7 traduzioni
- bänk (n v) [long seat, sports: where players sit when not playing] (u)
- bank (n v) [an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank, branch office of such an institution, institution, storage for important goods] (u)
- baksäte (n) [seat] {n}
- pall (n) [a seat] {ugs.}
- Bank
- bankkontor (n v) [branch office of such an institution] {n}
- avbytarbänk (n v) [sports: where players sit when not playing] (n)
PT CS Ceco 5 traduzioni
PT DA Danese 7 traduzioni
PT BG Bulgaro 8 traduzioni
- банка [institution] {f}
- плитчина (n v) [an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank]
- Банка
- банков клон (n v) [branch office of such an institution]
- храни́лище (n v) [storage for important goods] (n v)
- пе́йка (n v) [long seat] (n v)
- скаме́йка (n v) [long seat] (n v)
- резервна скамейка (n v) [sports: where players sit when not playing] (n v)
PT AF Afrikaans 3 traduzioni
PT RU Russo 15 traduzioni
- склад (n v) [storage for important goods] (m)
- банк [branch office of such an institution, institution, storage for important goods]
- Банк
- за́днее сиде́ние (n) [seat] (n)
- храни́лище (n v) [storage for important goods] (n)
- ба́нка (n v) [an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank, area where a large number of shellfish is found, seat attached to both sides of a boat] (n)
- о́тмель (n v) [an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank] (n)
- ла́вка (n v) [long seat] (n v int)
- табуре́т (n) [a seat] (n)
- табуре́тка (n) [a seat] (n)
- скаме́йка (n v) [long seat] (n v)
- скамья́ (n v) [long seat] (n v)
- ла́вочка (n v) [long seat] (n v)
- скаме́йка запасны́х (n v) [sports: where players sit when not playing] (n v)
- банк кро́ви (n) [place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored] (n)
PT HI Hindi 3 traduzioni