раба́ ha 39 traduzioni in 17 lingue

traduzioni di раба́

RU IT Italiano 2 traduzioni
  • schiavo (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another] {m}
  • schiava (n v) [person owned by another] {f}
RU ES Spagnolo 2 traduzioni
  • esclavo (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another] {m}
  • esclava (n v) [person owned by another] {f}
RU FR Francese 3 traduzioni
  • serf (n v) [person owned by another] {m}
  • serve (n v) [person owned by another] {f}
  • esclave (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another] {m}
RU PT Portoghese 2 traduzioni
  • escravo (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] {m}
  • escrava (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] {f}
RU DE Tedesco 4 traduzioni
  • Sklave (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] {m}
  • Sklavin (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] {f}
  • Sexsklavin (n v) [person who is forced to perform sexual acts] (n)
  • Sexsklave (n v) [person who is forced to perform sexual acts] (n v)
RU NL Olandese 2 traduzioni
  • slaaf (n v) [person owned by another] {m}
  • slavin (n v) [person owned by another] {f}
RU SV Svedese 5 traduzioni
  • träl (n v) [person owned by another] (u)
  • slav (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] (u)
  • slavinna (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] (u)
  • sexslav (n v) [person who is forced to perform sexual acts] (n v)
  • sexslavinna (n v) [person who is forced to perform sexual acts] (n v)
RU CS Ceco 4 traduzioni
RU PL Polacco 2 traduzioni
  • niewolnica (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] {f}
  • niewolnik (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] {m}
RU DA Danese 3 traduzioni
  • slave (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts]
  • træl (n v) [person owned by another]
  • slavinde (n v) [person owned by another] (n v)
RU BG Bulgaro 2 traduzioni
RU HU Ungherese 1 traduzione
RU AF Afrikaans 1 traduzione
  • slaaf (n v) [person owned by another]
RU SL Sloveno 2 traduzioni
  • suženj (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] {m}
  • sužnja (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another, person who is forced to perform sexual acts] {f}
RU HI Hindi 1 traduzione
RU JA Giapponese 1 traduzione
  • 奴隷 (n v) [person forced to work for another, person owned by another]
RU VI Vietnamita 2 traduzioni