Trovati 142 sinonimi in 19 gruppi
  1. 1
    Significato: negotiate
    agree contract confer arrange make terms bargain covenant transact
  1. 2
    Significato: compromise
    arrange bargain contract agree stipulate
  2. 3
    Significato: cohere
    agree follow relate cohesion
    harmonise harmonize make sense
  3. 4
    Significato: admit
    tell avow agree allow
    concede acknowledge confess
  4. 5
    Significato: consent
    grant approve acquiesce agree
    allow assent accept approve of
  1. 6
    Significato: pledge
    agree espouse covenant betroth
    engage guarantee assure promise
  2. 7
    Significato: cooperate
    agree to consent participate
    collaborate agree lend oneself to
  3. 8
    Significato: grant
    bow acquiesce concede give
    bend assent agree yield
  4. 9
    Significato: make sense
    agree follow relate cohesion
    harmonise harmonize cohere
  5. 10
    Significato: agreement
    acquiesce agree bow give way succumb
    stoop submit yield bend
  6. 11
    Significato: correspond
    agree harmonise harmonize tally
    match suit conform
  7. 12
    Significato: approve of
    grant approve acquiesce agree
    allow assent accept consent
  8. 13
    Significato: find a middle ground
    come to terms bargain negotiate conciliate
    agree arbitrate compromise
  9. 14
    Significato: blend
    intertwine engage agree knit
    weave fit mesh
  10. 15
    Significato: characteristic
    go with flatter agree suit compliment
    enrich heighten augment become
  11. 16
    Significato: adapt
    agree adjust concur conform harmonise
    harmonize reconcile temper accommodate
  12. 17
    Significato: adjustment
    compromise arrange bargain
    contract stipulate agree
  13. 18
    Significato: permission
    accede permit allow assent concede
    acquiesce consent yield agree
  14. 19
    Significato: adjust
    negotiate come to terms agree determine
    establish settle arrange

Parole simili a agree

ᐅ Tutti i sinonimi per agree | Significati & parole simili

Sinonimi prima e dopo agree

  • agitation
  • agitator
  • agnostic
  • ago
  • agog
  • agonise
  • agonize
  • agonizing
  • agony
  • agrarian
  • agree
  • agree on
  • agree to
  • agree with
  • agreeable
  • agreeably
  • agreed
  • agreeing
  • agreement