Trovati 176 sinonimi in 26 gruppi
  1. 1
    Significato: meeting
    date interview engagement rendezvous agreement appointment assignation tryst
  1. 2
    Significato: exchange
    union fellowship agreement sharing
    association communion accord togetherness
  2. 3
    Significato: an identical item
    ditto likewise alike agreement the same
  3. 4
    Significato: harmony
    agreement accordance parallelism correspondence
    eventuality coincidence accord consonance
  4. 5
    Significato: sanction
    authorisation authorization endorsement confirmation
    agreement approval sanctioning ratification
  1. 6
    Significato: feeling of agreement
    concord agreement accord peace
    consensus unity harmony unanimity
  2. 7
    Significato: acquiescence
    agreement concord consensus permission
    consent acceptance assent concurrence
  3. 8
    Significato: deal
    transaction agreement pact contract
    compact concord bargain concordat
  4. 9
    Significato: affinity
    agreement accord kinship harmony
    likeness community similarity uniformity
  5. 10
    Significato: compatibility
    accord harmony agreement equanimity
    amity unanimity concord rapport
  6. 11
    Significato: permission
    authorisation authorization consent
    accord agreement approval
  7. 12
    Significato: balance
    agreement arrangement distribution
    harmony symmetry proportion
  8. 13
    Significato: unity
    oneness agreement continuity harmony
    coherence integrity logic congruity
  9. 14
    Significato: contract
    agreement settlement pact understanding
    arrangement deal bargain partnership
  10. 15
    Significato: conformity
    accordance harmony congruity compliance
    agreement consistency keeping
  11. 16
    Significato: settlement
    agreement accommodation subduing adjustment pacification
  12. 17
    Significato: document
    agreement charter paper record
    instrument lease voucher deed
  13. 18
    Significato: arrangement
    agreement understanding treaty settlement
    concordat bond bargain compact
  14. 19
    Significato: consent
    agreement concord consensus permission
    concurrence acceptance assent acquiescence
  15. 20
    Significato: being alike
    agreement conformity accord
    similarity equivalence correspondence
  16. 21
    Significato: going together well
    unity agreement compatibility adaptability
  17. 22
    Significato: compromise
    reconciliation settlement agreement accommodation
  18. 23
    Significato: coincidence
    accord agreement coming together parallelism conjunction
  19. 24
    Significato: acceptance
    agreement consent assent acknowledgment accession
  20. 25
    Significato: arbitration
    mediation intervention agreement
    compromise bargaining negotiation
  21. 26
    Significato: acclimatization
    adaptation adjustment agreement conformity assimilation

Parole simili a agreement

ᐅ Tutti i sinonimi per agreement | Significati & parole simili

Sinonimi prima e dopo agreement

  • agony
  • agrarian
  • agree
  • agree on
  • agree to
  • agree with
  • agreeable
  • agreeably
  • agreed
  • agreeing
  • agreement
  • agricultural
  • agriculture
  • ague
  • ahead
  • ahead of
  • aid
  • aide
  • aiding
  • ail
  • ailing