Trovati 143 sinonimi in 21 gruppi
  1. 1
    Significato: flower
    bloom blossom open up flourish burgeon grow effloresce
  1. 2
    Significato: improve
    flourish grow increase advance
    rise progress thrive make progress
  2. 3
    Significato: prosper
    luxuriate be successful flower grow
    flourish increase burgeon batten
  3. 4
    Significato: widen
    spread out flare out grow splay
  4. 5
    Significato: flourish
    luxuriate be successful flower grow
    batten increase burgeon prosper
  1. 6
    Significato: nature
    cultivate farm labour harrow
    grow work till
  2. 7
    Significato: expand
    increase enlarge balloon inflate
    bloat bulge grow swell
  3. 8
    Significato: size
    amplify aggrandise aggrandize expand
    bulge grow swell enlarge
  4. 9
    Significato: advance
    develop grow improve
    increase proceed progress
  5. 10
    Significato: sprout
    start arise develop begin
    originate grow germinate
  6. 11
    Significato: activity
    grow develop increase
    thrive wax spring
  7. 12
    Significato: increase
    grow thicken collect condense gather
  8. 13
    Significato: action
    make twice as much duplicate increase grow double
  9. 14
    Significato: reach
    spread stretch join expand
    develop grow become come
  10. 15
    Significato: enlarge
    amplify aggrandise aggrandize expand
    bulge grow swell bulk
  11. 16
    Significato: characteristic
    prosper thrive expand grow
    flourish multiply swell boom
  12. 17
    Significato: develop
    evolve emerge unfold grow materialize
  13. 18
    Significato: process
    grow become wax
  14. 19
    Significato: blossom
    flower bloom grow burgeon
    batten wax thrive
  15. 20
    Significato: origin
    sprout start arise develop
    begin originate germinate grow
  16. 21
    Significato: direction
    get turn mature develop grow
    change go progress become

Parole simili a grow

ᐅ Tutti i sinonimi per grow | Significati & parole simili

Sinonimi prima e dopo grow

  • group
  • group of vessels or aircraft
  • group of words
  • grouping
  • grouse
  • grout
  • grove
  • grovel
  • groveling
  • grovelling
  • grow
  • grow dark
  • growing
  • growing together
  • growl
  • growling
  • grown
  • grown-up
  • growth
  • grub
  • grubby