Trovati 85 sinonimi in 13 gruppi
  1. 1
    Significato: fawn
    bootlick toady grovel cringe stoop kowtow to blandish
  1. 2
    Significato: cringe
    crouch fawn stoop bootlick
  2. 3
    Significato: slouch
    slump sag stoop hunch
    hang fall heavily go slack droop
  3. 4
    Significato: deign
    disdain condescend submit descend
    stoop humble oneself lower oneself
  4. 5
    Significato: obeisance
    prostration kowtow reverence bow
    crouch stoop genuflection
  1. 6
    Significato: bend
    bow incline crouch
    lean descend stoop
  2. 7
    Significato: condescend
    patronise patronize sink deign
    lower oneself descend stoop
  3. 8
    Significato: get down on one's knees
    kneel curtsy bend the knee bow and scrape
    grovel prostrate oneself stoop genuflect
  4. 9
    Significato: action
    crouch dodge escape stoop duck
  5. 10
    Significato: abase
    condescend debase lower oneself stoop decline
  6. 11
    Significato: agreement
    acquiesce agree bow give way succumb
    stoop submit yield bend
  7. 12
    Significato: slump
    droop bend stoop bow
    lounge loll slouch
  8. 13
    Significato: incline
    bend dip stoop bob bow

ᐅ Tutti i sinonimi per stoop | Significati & parole simili

Sinonimi prima e dopo stoop

  • stolid
  • stomach
  • stomp
  • stone
  • stoned
  • stony
  • stooge
  • stool
  • stool pigeon
  • stool-pigeon
  • stoop
  • stooping
  • stop
  • stop at
  • stop by
  • stop suckling
  • stop up
  • stopgap
  • stopover
  • stoppage
  • stopper