DE Tedesco dizionario: Arbeit
Arbeit ha 175 traduzioni in 22 lingue
traduzioni di Arbeit
- lavoro (n) [schöpferisch, allgemein, Gesellschaft, Beschäftigung, effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object] {m}
- esame (n) [Verhältnis] {m}
- posto di lavoro (n) [Geld, place where one is employed]
- occupazione {f}
- mestiere {m}
- impiego (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid, labour, employment, occupation, job, Gesellschaft, Beschäftigung] {m}
- fatica (n v) [effort expended on a particular task] {f}
- impegno (n v) [effort expended on a particular task] {m}
- job (n) [Beschäftigung, Geld]
- work (n) [Gesellschaft, Beschäftigung, schöpferisch, auszuführende, allgemein, Physik, Volkswirtschaft]
- labor (n) [allgemein]
- employment (n) [auszuführende, Gesellschaft]
- paper
- travail (arch.)
- test
- labour (n) [schöpferisch] {Ü|en|}
- business (n) [Verhältnis]
- examination (n) [Verhältnis]
- treatise
- essay
- trouble
- effort
- exertion
- performance
- task
- training
- workmanship
- service
- thesis
- graft
- exam
- chore
- handiwork
- industry
- stint
- troubles
- Job
- hard work
- pursuits
- exam paper (n)
- Mechanical work
- academic article
- Charlie at Work
- Charlie the Decorator
- Only a Working Man
- The Paperhanger
- The Plumber
- Work
- work, job
- occupation
7 traduzioni
- trabajo (n) [Physik, schöpferisch, allgemein, Gesellschaft, Beschäftigung, effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object, place where one is employed] {m}
- labor (n) [Geld]
- puesto (n) [Beschäftigung] {m}
- empleo (n) [Beschäftigung, the work or occupation for which one is paid, Gesellschaft] {m}
- escrito (n) [work of an author] {m}
- escritura (n) [work of an author] {f}
- ocupación {f}
11 traduzioni
- travail (n) [Volkswirtschaft, Beschäftigung, allgemein, effort expended on a particular task, the work or occupation for which one is paid, place where one is employed, labour, employment, occupation, job] {m}
- examen (n) [Klassenarbeit] {m}
- ouvrier (n) [Geld] {m}
- emploi (n) [Gesellschaft, the work or occupation for which one is paid] {m}
- boulot (n) [allgemein] {m}
- besogne (n) [allgemein] {f}
- job (n) [Beschäftigung] {m}
- création (n v) [labour, employment, occupation, job] {f}
- œuvre (n v) [labour, employment, occupation, job, work of an author] {f}
- métier {m}
- profession {f}
7 traduzioni
- trabalho (n) [auszuführende, Klassenarbeit, Gesellschaft, Physik, Beschäftigung, Produkt, Volkswirtschaft, allgemein, schöpferisch, effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object, place where one is employed, the work or occupation for which one is paid] {m}
- emprego (n) [Verhältnis, Beschäftigung, Geld, Gesellschaft, the work or occupation for which one is paid, place where one is employed, labour, employment, occupation, job] {m}
- esforço (n) [Anstrengung] {m}
- ocupação {f}
- obra (n) [work of an author] {f}
- serviço (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid] {m}
- ofício {m}
11 traduzioni
- werk (n) [Volkswirtschaft, schöpferisch, allgemein, Beschäftigung, Gesellschaft, labour, employment, occupation, job, work of an author, the work or occupation for which one is paid, place where one is employed, effort expended on a particular task] {n}
- baan (n) [Geld, Beschäftigung, Gesellschaft] {m}
- arbeid (n) [Volkswirtschaft, Klassenarbeit, allgemein, schöpferisch, effort expended on a particular task, measure of energy expended in moving an object] {m}
- huiswerk (n) [Verhältnis] {n}
- beroep (n) [Gesellschaft] {n}
- job (n v) [labour, employment, occupation, job, Beschäftigung] {m}
- oeuvre (n) [work of an author] {n}
- arbeidsplaats (n v) [place where one is employed]
- benutting (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid]
- emplooi (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid]
- schrijfsel (n) [work of an author] (n)
7 traduzioni
- arbete (n) [Verhältnis, auszuführende, allgemein, Gesellschaft, Beschäftigung, Geld, schöpferisch, place where one is employed, measure of energy expended in moving an object, labour, employment, occupation, job, effort expended on a particular task] {n}
- prov (n) [Klassenarbeit] {n}
- yrke {n}
- anställning (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid] (u)
- jobb (n v) [place where one is employed, labour, employment, occupation, job, Beschäftigung] {n}
- sysselsättning [Gesellschaft] (u)
- Mekaniskt arbete
4 traduzioni
- práce (n v) [effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object, place where one is employed]
- zaměstnání [labour, employment, occupation, job, place where one is employed, the work or occupation for which one is paid] {n}
- spis (n) [work of an author]
- povolání
3 traduzioni
- arbejde [effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object, place where one is employed]
- arbejdsplads (n v) [place where one is employed]
- beskæftigelse
16 traduzioni
- работа {f} (rabóta)
- труд [effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job] {m} (trud)
- служба (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid] {f} (služba)
- Заемане
- временно ползване
- обитаване Работа
- занимание
- занимавка Професия
- занятие
- заемане
- обитаване работа
- занимавка професия
- професия
- Работа
- Труд
- ра́бота (n v) [effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object, place where one is employed] (n v)
5 traduzioni
- foglalkozás
- munka (n v) [labour, employment, occupation, job]
- munkaerő
- állás (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid]
- Mechanikai munka
1 traduzione
- werk [effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object]
9 traduzioni
- труд (n) [Klassenarbeit, effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job] (m)
- работа (f)
- идти на работу
- профессия (f)
- слу́жба (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid] (n)
- рабо́та (n v) [effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object, place where one is employed, the work or occupation for which one is paid] (n)
- заня́тие (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid] (n)
- произведе́ние (n) [work of an author] (n v)
- оккупация (f)
3 traduzioni
- delo [effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object, place where one is employed] {n}
- poklic
- zaposlitev
9 traduzioni
- 仕事 [labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object, the work or occupation for which one is paid]
- 職業 (n v) [labour, employment, occupation, job, the work or occupation for which one is paid]
- 労働 (n v) [effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job] (n v)
- 仕事場 (n v) [place where one is employed] (n v)
- 労力 (n v) [effort expended on a particular task] (n v)
- 作業 (n v) [effort expended on a particular task] (n v)
- 著作 (n) [work of an author] (n v)
- 業務 (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid] (n adj)
- 職 (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid] (n)
2 traduzioni
5 traduzioni
10 traduzioni
- työ (n) [Volkswirtschaft, schöpferisch, effort expended on a particular task, labour, employment, occupation, job, measure of energy expended in moving an object, place where one is employed]
- kirjoitus (n) [work of an author]
- ammatti
- askare
- teos (n) [work of an author]
- toiminta
- työnteko
- työpaikka (n v) [place where one is employed]
- ansiotyö (n) [the work or occupation for which one is paid]
- työvoima
6 traduzioni
Parole prima e dopo Arbeit
- Arbaleste
- Arbat
- Arbatsko-Pokrowskaja-Linie
- Arbaz VS
- Arbe
- Arbedo-Castione
- Arbedo-Castione TI
- Arbeidernes kommunistparti
- Arbeiderpartiet
- Arbeistplan
- Arbeit
- Arbeit Macht Frei
- Arbeit abnehmen
- Arbeit an der frischen Luft
- Arbeit auf dem Gestein
- Arbeit einer Büroangestellten
- Arbeit einer Sekretärin
- Arbeit eines Büroangestellten
- Arbeit finden
- Arbeit für Frauen
- Arbeit für Männer