Italiano Tedesco
comproprietaria Miteigentümerin
comproprietario Miteigentümer
comproprietà Mitbesitz
comprovare rechtfertigen
Comps Comps
Comps-la-Grand-Ville Comps-la-Grand-Ville
Comps-sur-Artuby Comps-sur-Artuby
Compsognathidae Compsognathidae
Compsognathus longipes Compsognathus
Compsosuchus Compsosuchus
Compton Compton
Compulsion Zwang
Compulsione Grenze
compulsivo Zwangs-
compunzione Gewissensbisse
CompuServe CompuServe
computabile berechenbar
computare berechnen
Computazione Kalkül
computer Computer
computer analogico Analogrechner
Computer Assisted Translation Computerunterstützte Übersetzung
Computer Associates Computer Associates
Computer Based Training Rechnerunterstützter Unterricht
Computer cluster Computercluster
computer da tavolo Bürocomputer
computer digitale Digitalrechner
Computer grafica Computergrafik
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Computer numerical control Computerized Numerical Control
Computer palmare Notepad
computer portatile Notebook
Computer quantistico Quantencomputer
Computer subacqueo Tauchcomputer
Computer Supported Cooperative Work Rechnergestützte Gruppenarbeit
Computer Telephony Integration Computer Telephony Integration
Computer to plate Computer to Plate
Computer-aided engineering Computer Aided Engineering
Computer-Aided Manufacturing Computer Aided Manufacturing
Computer-aided software engineering Computer-Aided Software Engineering
Computerized Maintenance Management System Computerized Maintenance Management System
computerizzare computerisieren
Computex Computex
Computistico Buchhalter
computo Berechnung
Computo delle medaglie olimpiche totali Ewiger Medaillenspiegel der Olympischen Spiele
Compìto Urban
Comrat Comrat
comunale Gemeinschafts-
comunanza Gemeinschaft
comune banal