Italiano Tedesco
normalmente normalerweise
Norman Angell Ralph Norman Angell-Lane
Norman Borlaug Norman Ernest Borlaug
Norman Foster Norman Foster
Norman Mailer Norman Mailer
Norman Robert Pogson Norman Robert Pogson
Norman Rockwell Norman Rockwell
Norman Spinrad Norman Spinrad
Norman Thomas Gilroy Norman Thomas Gilroy
Normandia Normandie
Normanni Normannen
Normanno Normanne
Normatico Norma
Normativa comunitaria RoHS RoHS
normativa regionale regionale Regelung
normativo verordnend
Normazione Gesetzgebung
Norme di buona fabbricazione Good Manufacturing Practice
norme di controllo dei pesticidi Schädlingsbekämpfungsnorm
norme giuridiche Gerichtsregelung
norme sulle emissioni Emissionsnorm
Norn Hill Nordsee
Norne Nornen
Norodom Norodom
Norrbotten Norrbottens län
Norreno antico Altnordische Sprache
Norris Norris
Norrköping Norrköping
Norrland Norrland
Norsemen Normannen
Norsjö Norsjö
Norsk rikskringkasting NRK
Norte de Santander Norte de Santander
Nortel Nortel Networks
North Adams North Adams
North American FJ Fury North American FJ
North American Free Trade Agreement Nordamerikanisches Freihandelsabkommen
North Bend North Bend
North Bethel North Bethel
North Blenheim North Blenheim
North Country - Storia di Josey Kaltes Land
North Little Rock North Little Rock
North Platte North Platte River
North San Juan North San Juan
North Saskatchewan North Saskatchewan River
North Sea Nordsee
North Turnbridge North Turnbridge
North Versailles North Versailles
North West Nordwest
North West Frontier Province Nordwestprovinz
North Woodstock North Woodstock
North Yorkshire North Yorkshire
Northampton Northampton
Northamptonshire Northamptonshire
Northbridge Northbridge
Northeim Northeim
Northern Cape Nordkap
Northern soul Northern Soul
Northland Northland
Northrop Grumman Corporation Northrop Grumman
Northstar Polarstern
Northumberland Northumberland
Northumberlandshire Northumberlandshire
Northwest Division Northwest Division
Norton Norton
Norton Antivirus Norton AntiVirus
Norton Simon Museum Norton Simon Museum
Nortorf Nortorf
norvegese Norweger
Norvegia Norwegen
Norwich Norwich
Norzia Nortia
Noréaz Noréaz FR
Norðoyatunnilin Norðoyatunnilin
Norðurland eystra Norðurland eystra
Norðurland vestra Norðurland vestra
Noshiro Noshiro
nosocomio Krankenhaus
nosologia Nosologie
Nostalghia Nostalgie
nostalgia Heimweh
nostalgia di paesi lontani Fernweh
nostalgico heimwehkrank
nostra unsere
Nostra Aetate Nostra Aetate
Nostra Signara del Pilar Madonna del Pilar
Nostra Signora del Pilar Madonna del Pilar
Nostra Signora di Guadalupe Guadalupe
Nostra Ucraina Nascha Ukrajina - Narodna samooborona
Nostradamus Nostradamus
nostrano selbstangebaut
Nostratico Nostratisch
nostre unsere
nostri unsere
nostro unser
Nostro-Signora di Dorleta Nuestra Senora de Dorleta
nostromo Bootsmann
Nosy Be Nosy Be
NOT Negation
nota Note
nota a piè pagina Fußnote
nota bene notabene
nota di accredito Gutschrift
nota di chiave Grundton
Nota di credito Kriegen
nota di spedizione Versandanzeige
nota di tolleranza Vorschlagsnote
nota dominante Grundgedanke
nota in calce Fußnote