La ricerca Boden ha prodotto 31 risultati
IT Italiano DE Tedesco
Boden Boden {m}
DE Tedesco IT Italiano
Boden (n) [Grundlage] {m} terreno (n) {m} [Grundlage]
Boden (n) [Geologie] {m} terreno (n) {m} [Geologie]
Boden (n) [Erdoberfläche] {m} terreno (n) {m} [Erdoberfläche]
Boden (n) [Grundlage] {m} piano (n) {m} [Grundlage]
Boden (n) [Gebiet] {m} territorio (n) {m} [Gebiet]
Boden (n) [umgangssprachlich] {m} pavimento (n) {m} [umgangssprachlich]
Boden (n) [Oberfläche] {m} pavimento (n) {m} [Oberfläche]
Boden (n) [umgangssprachlich] {m} solaio (n) {m} [umgangssprachlich]
Boden (n) [Abschluss] {m} fondo (n) {m} [Abschluss]
Boden (n) [umgangssprachlich] {m} soffitta (n) {f} [umgangssprachlich]
Boden (n) [allgemein] {m} fondo (n) {m} [allgemein]
Boden (n) [Geologie] {m} suolo (n) {m} [Geologie]
Boden [Geologie] {m} suolo {m} [Geologie]
Boden (n) [Erde] {m} suolo (n) {m} [Erde]
Boden [Erde] {m} suolo {m} [Erde]
Boden (n v adj) [soil, earth] {m} terra (n v adj) {f} [soil, earth]
Boden {m} attico {m}
Boden {m} Suolo
Boden (n v) [lower part of a room] {m} pavimento (n v) {m} [lower part of a room]
Boden [Oberfläche] {m} pavimento {m} [Oberfläche]
Boden (n) [allgemein] {m} terra (n) {f} [allgemein]
Boden [allgemein] {m} terra {f} [allgemein]
Boden (n) [Erde] {m} terra (n) {f} [Erde]
Boden [Erde] {m} terra {f} [Erde]
Boden (n v adj) [lowest part] {m} fondo (n v adj) {m} [lowest part]
Boden [allgemein] {m} fondo {m} [allgemein]
Boden (n v) [the bottom of a lake or other body of water] {m} letto (n v) {m} [the bottom of a lake or other body of water]
Boden (n v adj) [lowest part] {m} parte (n v adj) {f} [lowest part]
Boden (n v) [mineral or organic material serving as a natural medium for the growth of land plants] {m} terreno (n v) {m} [mineral or organic material serving as a natural medium for the growth of land plants]
Boden [Geologie] {m} terreno {m} [Geologie]

Tedesco Italiano traduzioni

DE Sinonimi per boden IT Traduzioni
Grund [Fußboden] m fondo {m}
Diele [Fußboden] f vestibolo {m}
Raum [Fläche] m spazio {m}
Terrain [Fläche] n terreno {m}
Basis [Grundlage] f fondazione {f}
Ursache [Grundlage] f causa {f}
Anlage [Grundlage] f terreno {m}
Bedingung [Grundlage] f condizione {f}
Fundament [Grundlage] n fondazione {f}
Substrat [Grundlage] n substrato {m}
Sockel [Grundlage] m zoccolo {m}
Brennpunkt [Grundlage] m fuoco {m}
Unterbau [Grundlage] m fondazioni {f}
Nährboden [Grundlage] letto batterico
Gestell [Grundlage] n montatura {f}
Postament [Grundlage] zoccolo {m}
Fuß [Grundlage] m piede {m}
Bord [Planke] m scaffale {m}
Brett [Planke] n tavola {f}
Leiste [Planke] f inguine {m}