Italiano Inglese
fenobarbiturico phenobarbital
Fenocopia Phenocopy
Fenolftaleina Phenolphtalein
fenoli phenol
fenoli alogenati halogenated phenol
Fenolo Phenol
fenomenale phenomenal
Fenomeni diurni Diurnal phenomena
Fenomeni stagionali Seasonal phenomena
fenomeno appearance
Fenomeno della centesima scimmia Hundredth Monkey Effect
Fenomeno delle voci elettroniche Electronic voice phenomena
Fenomeno di Gibbs Gibbs phenomenon
Fenomeno di Internet List of Internet phenomena
fenomeno meteorologico meteorological phenomenon
fenomeno naturale natural force
Fenomenologia Phenomenology
Fenomenologia dello spirito The Phenomenology of Spirit
Fenomenologia di Monaco Munich phenomenology
Fenotipo Phenotype
Fenotipo Bombay Hh antigen system
Fenrir Fenrir
Fensterbach Fensterbach
Fentanyl Fentanyl
Fenton Paperconchiglia Fenton Crackshell
Feodosija Morozova Feodosia Morozova
Feral Tribune Feral Tribune
FeRAM Ferroelectric RAM
Ferberite Ferberite
Ferden Ferden
Ferdi Kübler Ferdinand Kübler
Ferdinand Anton Ernst Porsche Ferdinand Anton Ernst Porsche
Ferdinand Buisson Ferdinand Buisson
Ferdinand Cheval Ferdinand Cheval
Ferdinand Christian Baur Ferdinand Christian Baur
Ferdinand Daučík Ferdinand Daučík
Ferdinand de Saussure Ferdinand de Saussure
Ferdinand Foch Ferdinand Foch
Ferdinand Georg Frobenius Ferdinand Georg Frobenius
Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin Ferdinand von Zeppelin
Ferdinand Gregorovius Ferdinand Gregorovius
Ferdinand Lassalle Ferdinand Lassalle
Ferdinand Marcos Ferdinand Marcos
Ferdinand Porsche Ferdinand Porsche
Ferdinand Sarrien Ferdinand Sarrien
Ferdinand Tönnies Ferdinand Tönnies
Ferdinand von Hochstetter Ferdinand von Hochstetter
Ferdinand von Lindemann Ferdinand von Lindemann
Ferdinand von Richthofen Ferdinand von Richthofen
Ferdinand Čatloš Ferdinand Čatloš
Ferdinando Ferdinand
Ferdinando di Baviera Ferdinand of Bavaria
Ferdinando di Lesseps Ferdinand de Lesseps
Ferdinando Galli da Bibiena Ferdinando Galli-Bibiena
Ferdinando Gonzaga Ferdinando I Gonzaga
Ferdinando Gonzales Fernán González of Castile
Ferdinando I Ferdinand I
Ferdinando I delle Due Sicilie Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
Ferdinando I di Aragona Ferdinand I of Aragon
Ferdinando I di Bulgaria Ferdinand I of Bulgaria
Ferdinando I di Castiglia Ferdinand I of León
Ferdinando I di Napoli Ferdinand I of Naples
Ferdinando I di Romania Ferdinand I of Romania
Ferdinando II Ferdinand II
Ferdinando II del Portogallo Ferdinand II of Portugal
Ferdinando II del Sacro Romano Impero Ferdinand II
Ferdinando II delle Due Sicilie Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies
Ferdinando II di Aragona Ferdinand II of Aragon
Ferdinando II di León Ferdinand II of León
Ferdinando II di Napoli Ferdinand II of Naples
Ferdinando III Ferdinand III
Ferdinando III di Castiglia Ferdinand III of Castile
Ferdinando IV Ferdinand IV
Ferdinando IV del Sacro Romano Impero Ferdinand IV of Hungary
Ferdinando IV di Castiglia Ferdinand IV of Castile
Ferdinando Magellano Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinando Paer Ferdinando Paer
Ferdinando VI di Spagna Ferdinand VI of Spain
Ferdinando VII di Spagna Ferdinand VII of Spain
Ferdowsi Ferdowsi
Ferdulfo Ferdulf of Friuli
Fere Pherae
Ferecide di Siro Pherecydes of Syros
Ferenbalm Ferenbalm
Ferenc Farkas Ferenc Farkas
Ferenc Gyurcsány Ferenc Gyurcsány
Ferenc Lehár Franz Lehár
Ferenc Molnár Ferenc Molnár
Ferenc Mádl Ferenc Mádl
Ferenc Puskás Ferenc Puskás
Ferenc Szálasi Ferenc Szálasi
Ferencváros Ferencváros
Ferencvárosi TC Ferencvárosi TC
Ferengi Ferengi
Feresa attenuata Pygmy Killer Whale
feretro coffin
Fergana Fergana
Ferganasaurus verzilini Ferganasaurus
Fergie Fergie
Fergus de Paperoni Fergus McDuck
Fergus mac Róich Fergus mac Róich
Ferguson Ferguson
Ferhat Abbas Ferhat Abbas
feria day off
ferie vacation
Ferimento Aggression
feringio Faroese
ferino ferine
ferire give offense
ferire con le corna horn
ferirsi injure oneself