Italiano Inglese
frodare defraud
frode swindle
frode elettorale electoral fraud
Frode Estil Frode Estil
frodi fraud
Frodo Baggins Frodo Baggins
Frogn Frogn
Frognerparken Frogner Park
Frohnau Frohnau
Froideville Froideville
Froland Froland
frollino shortbread
Frolovo Frolovo
From a Basement on the Hill From a Basement on the Hill
From Autumn to Ashes From Autumn to Ashes
From First to Last From First to Last
From the Bottom of My Broken Heart From the Bottom of My Broken Heart
From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
Fromaro Frumar
Frombork Frombork
Frome Frome
fronda sprig
fronde greenery
frondoso leafy
Fronhausen Fronhausen
Fronreute Fronreute
Front de Libération Nationale National Liberation Front
Front National National Front
Front-end e back-end Front-end and back-end
frontale head-on
frontaliero borderer
fronte face
fronte alta receding hairline
Fronte del porto On the Waterfront
Fronte della Libertà Plus Freedom Front Plus
Fronte Democratico Popolare Popular Democratic Front
Fronte di Liberazione del Québec Front de libération du Québec
Fronte di Liberazione Nationale National Liberation Front
Fronte di Liberazione Nazionale Corso National Front for the Liberation of Corsica
Fronte di Stresa Stresa Front
fronte di temporali squall line
Fronte italiano Italian Campaign
Fronte Nazionale National Front
Fronte Nazionale Siciliano Sicilian National Front
Fronte per la Democrazia in Burundi Front for Democracy in Burundi
Fronte per la Vittoria Front for Victory
Fronte Polisario Polisario Front
Fronte Popolare per la Liberazione della Palestina Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Fronte Rivoluzionario Unito Revolutionary United Front
Fronte Sandinista di Liberazione Nazionale Sandinista National Liberation Front
fronteggiare deal with
Frontenhausen Frontenhausen
frontespizio frontispiece