La ricerca horrible ha prodotto 83 risultati
FR Francese IT Italiano
horrible (a) [monstrueux] raccapricciante (a) [monstrueux]
horrible (a) [apparence] terribile (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [terrible] orripilante (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [sentiments] orripilante (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [monstrueux] orripilante (a) [monstrueux]
FR Francese IT Italiano
horrible (a) [mauvais] orripilante (a) [mauvais]
horrible (a) [général] orripilante (a) [général]
horrible (a) [effroi] orripilante (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [terrible] raccapricciante (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [sentiments] raccapricciante (a) [sentiments]
horrible (adj) [repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly] raccapricciante (adj) [repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly]
horrible (a) [effroi] terribile (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [mauvais] raccapricciante (a) [mauvais]
horrible (a) [général] raccapricciante (a) [général]
horrible (a) [effroyable] raccapricciante (a) [effroyable]
horrible (a) [effroi] raccapricciante (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [apparence] raccapricciante (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [terrible] tremendo (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [mauvais] tremendo (a) [mauvais]
horrible (a) [général] tremendo (a) [général]
horrible (a) [effroyable] tremendo (a) [effroyable]
horrible (a) [sentiments] che fa rabbrividire (a) [sentiments]
horrible (adj adv) [extremely bad] obbrobrioso (adj adv) [extremely bad]
horrible (a) [sentiments] bruttissimo (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [mal] intollerabile (a) [mal]
horrible (adj adv) [extremely bad] pessimo (adj adv) [extremely bad]
horrible (a) [mal] insopportabile (a) [mal]
horrible (a) [mal] tormentoso (a) [mal]
horrible (a) [mal] straziante (a) [mal]
horrible (a) [sentiments] mostruoso (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [monstrueux] mostruoso (a) [monstrueux]
horrible (a) [général] mostruoso (a) [général]
horrible (a) [effroi] tremendo (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [monstrueux] che fa rabbrividire (a) [monstrueux]
horrible (a) [général] che fa rabbrividire (a) [général]
horrible (a) [sentir] nauseabondo (a) [sentir]
horrible (a) [sentir] nauseante (a) [sentir]
horrible (a) [terrible] terribile (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [mauvais] terribile (a) [mauvais]
horrible (a) [général] terribile (a) [général]
horrible (adj adv) [extremely bad] terribile (adj adv) [extremely bad]
horrible (a) [effroyable] terribile (a) [effroyable]
horrible (a) [apparence] orrendo (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [sentir] disgustoso (a) [sentir]
horrible (a) [sentir] cattivo (a) [sentir]
horrible (a) [sentir] sgradevole (a) [sentir]
horrible (a) [terrible] orrendo (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [sentiments] orrendo (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [monstrueux] orrendo (a) [monstrueux]
horrible (a) [mauvais] orrendo (a) [mauvais]
horrible (a) [général] orrendo (a) [général]
horrible (a) [effroyable] orrendo (a) [effroyable]
horrible (a) [effroi] orrendo (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [apparence] atroce (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [terrible] orribile (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [sentiments] orribile (a) [sentiments]
horrible (adj) [repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly] orribile (adj) [repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly]
horrible (a) [monstrueux] orribile (a) [monstrueux]
horrible (a) [mauvais] orribile (a) [mauvais]
horrible (a) [général] orribile (a) [général]
horrible (adj adv) [extremely bad] orribile (adj adv) [extremely bad]
horrible (a) [effroyable] orribile (a) [effroyable]
horrible (a) [effroi] orribile (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [mauvais] terrificante (a) [mauvais]
horrible (a) [apparence] tremendo (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [terrible] spaventoso (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [sentiments] spaventoso (a) [sentiments]
horrible (a) [mauvais] spaventoso (a) [mauvais]
horrible (a) [général] spaventoso (a) [général]
horrible (a) [effroyable] spaventoso (a) [effroyable]
horrible (a) [effroi] spaventoso (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [apparence] spaventoso (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [terrible] terrificante (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [apparence] orribile (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [général] terrificante (a) [général]
horrible (a) [effroi] terrificante (a) [effroi]
horrible (a) [apparence] terrificante (a) [apparence]
horrible (a) [terrible] atroce (a) [terrible]
horrible (a) [mauvais] atroce (a) [mauvais]
horrible (a) [mal] atroce (a) [mal]
horrible (a) [général] atroce (a) [général]
horrible (a) [effroyable] atroce (a) [effroyable]
horrible (a) [effroi] atroce (a) [effroi]

Francese Italiano traduzioni