La ricerca fabriceren ha prodotto 9 risultati
NL Olandese IT Italiano
fabriceren (v) [bouwen] fabbricare (v) [bouwen]
fabriceren (v) [to form by art and labor; to manufacture] fabbricare (v) [to form by art and labor; to manufacture]
fabriceren (v) [to invent and form; to forge] fabbricare (v) [to invent and form; to forge]
fabriceren (v) [bouwen] produrre (v) [bouwen]
fabriceren (v) [to form by art and labor; to manufacture] produrre (v) [to form by art and labor; to manufacture]
NL Olandese IT Italiano
fabriceren (v) [bouwen] costruire (v) [bouwen]
fabriceren (v) [to invent and form; to forge] costruire (v) [to invent and form; to forge]
fabriceren (v) [to invent and form; to forge] inventare (v) [to invent and form; to forge]
fabriceren (v) [to invent and form; to forge] confezionare (v) [to invent and form; to forge]

Olandese Italiano traduzioni

NL Sinonimi per fabriceren IT Traduzioni
maken [produceren] develop
opleveren [produceren] produce
vervaardigen [produceren] build
voortbrengen [produceren] engender
produceren [vervaardigen] turn out