DE Tedesco dizionario: Wild
Wild ha 196 traduzioni in 19 lingue
traduzioni di Wild
- crudele (a) [Blick]
- spietato [Blick]
- selvaggio (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized, Tiere, Wild, not cultivated, not domesticated or tamed, wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild] {m}
- primitivo (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized] {m}
- feroce (a) [Tiere, extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage, allgemein, Marked by extreme and violent energy, Blick]
- violentemente [Benehmen]
- selvatico [Pflanze, Tiere, not domesticated or tamed]
- cacciagione [Jagd, wild animals hunted for food] {f}
- selvaggina (n adj v) [wild animals hunted for food]
- fierce (a) [Blick, allgemein, extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage]
- ferocious (a) [Tiere, Marked by extreme and violent energy]
- wildly (o) [Benehmen]
- wild (a) [Botanik, Tiere, Pflanze, not domesticated or tamed]
- game (n) [Tier, Jagd]
- feral (a) [kultiviert, wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild]
- haggard
- riotous
- truculent [cruel or savage]
- rambunctious
- rumbustious
- quarry
- frantic
- bacchanalian
- savage [Barbaric, not civilized]
- rough
- crazy (informal)
- vicious
- bold
- furious
- rampant
- raving
- headlong
- frenzied
- venison
- rugged
- rabid
- harum-scarum
- uncontrolled
- illegal
- romping
- tomboyish
- savagely
- fiercely
- Game
- ferociously
- frantically
- furiously
- hoydenish
- luxuriantly
- overactive
- tigerish
- truculently
- tigerishly
- rompish
- dionysian (adj)
- franticly (adv)
- rackety
- rampageous
- undomesticated
- rantipole
- hoidenish
- rompingly
15 traduzioni
- desordenado (a) [mit wenig Selbstbeherrschung/Selbstkontrolle] {m}
- desenfrenado (a) [mit wenig Selbstbeherrschung/Selbstkontrolle]
- salvaje (a) [Botanik, Tiere, raucous, unruly, and savage, not domesticated or tamed, Wild, not cultivated, Barbaric, not civilized] {m}
- venado (n) [Tier] {m}
- caza (n) [Tier, Jagd, wild animals hunted for food] {f}
- silvestre (a) [Botanik, Pflanze]
- truculento (adj) [cruel or savage]
- feroz (a) [Blick, Marked by extreme and violent energy, Tiere, allgemein, extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage, wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild]
- violentamente (o) [Benehmen]
- juego {m}
- fiero (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild, raucous, unruly, and savage, extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage]
- montaraz (adj adv n v) [not domesticated or tamed]
- Juego
- ferino (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild] (adj n)
- presa {f}
10 traduzioni
- sauvage (a) [kultiviert, Botanik, Pflanze, Tiere, not domesticated or tamed, raucous, unruly, and savage] {m}
- gibier (n) [Tier, Jagd, wild animals hunted for food] {m}
- agressif (adj) [cruel or savage]
- barbare (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized] {m}
- marron (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild] {m}
- féroce (a) [Tiere, extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage, allgemein, Marked by extreme and violent energy, Blick]
- violemment (o) [Benehmen]
- agressive (adj) [cruel or savage] (adj)
- féral (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild] (adj n)
- haret (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild] (adj n)
11 traduzioni
- raivoso (a) [Blick]
- selvagem (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized, Tiere, Wild, not cultivated, not domesticated or tamed, raucous, unruly, and savage] {m}
- caça [Jagd, wild animals hunted for food] {m}
- feroz [Tiere, allgemein, extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage, Marked by extreme and violent energy, Blick]
- silvestre [Pflanze, wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild, not domesticated or tamed]
- loucamente [Benehmen]
- do mato [Pflanze] (informal)
- violentamente [Benehmen]
- bravio (adj adv n v) [not domesticated or tamed]
- animais de caça
- truculento (adj) [cruel or savage] (adj)
8 traduzioni
- wild (o) [Benehmen, wild animals hunted for food, Jagd, wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild, not domesticated or tamed, Wild, not cultivated, Tiere, Marked by extreme and violent energy, Pflanze] {n}
- onbeschoft (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized]
- barbaars (adj n v) [Wild, not cultivated, Barbaric, not civilized]
- onbeschaafd (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized]
- woest (a) [Blick, Marked by extreme and violent energy, Tiere, allgemein]
- grimmig [Blick]
- in het wild voorkomend [Pflanze]
- verwilderd (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild]
11 traduzioni
- ilsken (a) [Blick]
- vild (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy, Pflanze, Tiere, Wild, not cultivated, allgemein, not domesticated or tamed]
- barbarisk (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized]
- ociviliserad (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized]
- byte (n adj v) [wild animals hunted for food] {n}
- våldsam (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage]
- vilt (o) [Benehmen, Jagd, wild animals hunted for food] {n}
- villebråd [Jagd, wild animals hunted for food] {n}
- förvildad (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild]
- okultiverad (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized]
- vildsynt (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy] (adj)
6 traduzioni
- krutý (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage] {m}
- zlý (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage] {m}
- zvěř (n adj v) [wild animals hunted for food]
- divoký (adj adv n v) [not domesticated or tamed]
- nelítostný (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage]
- zvěř lovná
13 traduzioni
- zwierz (n) [Tier] {m}
- zwierzyna (n) [Tier] {f}
- dziczyzna [wild animals hunted for food] {f}
- dziki [Wild, not cultivated, not domesticated or tamed, wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild]
- dzikiko
- okrutny (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy]
- brutalny (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy]
- zawzięty (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage]
- bestialski (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy]
- zwierzyna łowna [wild animals hunted for food]
- zdziczały (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild, Wild, not cultivated] (adj n v)
- barbarzyński (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized] (adj n v)
- niecywilizowany (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized] (adj n v)
3 traduzioni
6 traduzioni
- жесток (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage] (žestók)
- Игра
- дивеч [wild animals hunted for food] (животни)
- див (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy, Wild, not cultivated, not domesticated or tamed, wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild] {m} (div)
- неопитомен (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild] (adj n)
- свиреп (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy, extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage] (adj)
7 traduzioni
- kegyetlen (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy]
- vadak (állat)
- Játék (pszichológia)
- barbár (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized]
- műveletlen (adj n v) [Wild, not cultivated] (adj n v)
- vad (adj n v) [Wild, not cultivated, not domesticated or tamed, raucous, unruly, and savage, wild animals hunted for food] (adj n v)
- civilizálatlan (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized] (adj n v)
11 traduzioni
- дичь (n) [Tier, wild animals hunted for food] (f)
- дикий (adj)
- объект охоты
- жесто́кий (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy, cruel or savage] (adj)
- ди́кий (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild, not domesticated or tamed, Wild, not cultivated] (adj n v)
- дика́рский (adj n v) [Wild, not cultivated] (adj n v)
- ва́рварский (adj n v) [Barbaric, not civilized] (adj n v)
- неи́стовый (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage] (adj)
- одичавший (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild] (adj n)
- свире́пый (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy, extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage] (adj)
- лю́тый (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage] (adj)
4 traduzioni
- lovski plen
- Igra
- divji (adj adv n v) [not domesticated or tamed] {m}
- divjačina (n adj v) [wild animals hunted for food] {f}
2 traduzioni
7 traduzioni
12 traduzioni
- riista (n) [Tier, wild animals hunted for food]
- luonnonvarainen
- julma (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy]
- hurja [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage]
- villa
- raisu
- raju (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage]
- raivokas (adj) [extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage, Marked by extreme and violent energy]
- raivopäinen (adj) [Marked by extreme and violent energy]
- villi (adj adv n v) [not domesticated or tamed, wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild]
- kesytön (adj adv n v) [not domesticated or tamed]
- villiintynyt (adj n) [wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild] (adj n)
7 traduzioni
Parole prima e dopo Wild
- wieviele
- wievielmal
- wievielter
- wiewohl
- wignersche Kraft
- wikingerzeitlich
- wikingerzeitliche ...
- wikingisch
- wikipedieren, wikifizieren
- wiklichkeitsfern
- Wild
- wild darauf sein, etw. zu tun
- wild drauflos
- wild drauflosfahren
- wild durcheinander
- wild durcheinander sein
- wild entschlossen, etwas zu tun
- wild feiern
- wild feiernd
- wild gefangener Greifvogel
- wild getanzt