La ricerca in Brand setzen ha prodotto 10 risultati
DE Tedesco IT Italiano
in Brand setzen [Feuer] incendiare [Feuer]
in Brand setzen (v) [Feuer] incendiare (v) [Feuer]
in Brand setzen [Feuer] dare fuoco a [Feuer]
in Brand setzen (v) [Feuer] dare fuoco a (v) [Feuer]
in Brand setzen [Missetat] dare fuoco a [Missetat]
in Brand setzen (v) [Missetat] dare fuoco a (v) [Missetat]
in Brand setzen [Feuer] appiccare il fuoco a [Feuer]
in Brand setzen (v) [Feuer] appiccare il fuoco a (v) [Feuer]
in Brand setzen [Missetat] appiccare il fuoco a [Missetat]
in Brand setzen (v) [Missetat] appiccare il fuoco a (v) [Missetat]

DE IT Traduzioni perin

in [Nähe] presso [Nähe]
in (o) [Nähe] presso (o) [Nähe]
in (v) [to provoke someone to do wrong] tentare (v) [to provoke someone to do wrong]
in (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] per (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
in [Nähe] a [Nähe]
in (o) [Nähe] a (o) [Nähe]
in (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
in [Mode] in [Mode]
in (a) [Mode] in (a) [Mode]
in [Nähe] in [Nähe]

DE IT Traduzioni perbrand

Brand (n) [Körperteil] {m} cancrena (n) {f} [Körperteil]
Brand (n) [unkontrolliert] {m} incendio (n) {m} [unkontrolliert]
Brand (n) [Durst] {m} arsura (n) {f} [Durst]
Brand (n) [Katastrophe] {m} incendio (n) {m} [Katastrophe]
Brand [Katastrophe] {m} incendio {m} [Katastrophe]
Brand (n v) [occurrence of fire in a certain place] {m} incendio (n v) {m} [occurrence of fire in a certain place]
Brand {m} fuoco {m}
Brand (n v) [occurrence of fire in a certain place] {m} rogo (n v) {m} [occurrence of fire in a certain place]
Brand (n v) [occurrence of fire in a certain place] {m} falò (n v) [occurrence of fire in a certain place]

DE IT Traduzioni persetzen

setzen [Gegenstände] deporre [Gegenstände]
setzen (v) [Gegenstände] deporre (v) [Gegenstände]
setzen (v n adj) [to put something down] deporre (v n adj) [to put something down]
setzen [Gegenstände] porre [Gegenstände]
setzen (v) [Gegenstände] porre (v) [Gegenstände]
setzen (v n adj) [to put something down] porre (v n adj) [to put something down]
setzen [Gegenstände] mettere [Gegenstände]
setzen (v) [Gegenstände] mettere (v) [Gegenstände]
setzen (v n adj) [to put something down] mettere (v n adj) [to put something down]
setzen [Gegenstände] piantare [Gegenstände] (informal)

Tedesco Italiano traduzioni