EN Inglese dizionario: Fear
Fear ha 133 traduzioni in 19 lingue
traduzioni di Fear
- temere [mental condition]
- aver terrore di (v) [mental condition]
- aver molta paura (v) [mental condition]
- ansia (n) [anxiety] {f}
- paura (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone, anxiety] {f}
- timore (n) [anxiety] {m}
- angoscia {f}
- aver paura di (v) [mental condition]
- paventare
- raccapriccio
- Paura
EN ES Spagnolo 11 traduzioni
- temer [mental condition]
- tener miedo a (v) [mental condition]
- ansiedad (n) [anxiety] {f}
- miedo (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone, anxiety] {m}
- miedoso
- temor {m}
- recelo {m}
- pavor (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone] (m] y respeto [m)
- tener miedo de (v) [mental condition]
- recelar
- Miedo
EN FR Francese 8 traduzioni
- craindre [mental condition]
- redouter (v) [mental condition]
- anxiété (n) [anxiety] {f}
- crainte (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone, anxiety] {f}
- effroi (n) [anxiety] {m}
- peur (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone, anxiety] {f}
- Peur
- avoir peur de
EN PT Portoghese 13 traduzioni
- temer (v) [mental condition]
- ter medo (v) [mental condition]
- ansiedade (n) [anxiety] {f}
- medo (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone, anxiety] {m}
- receio {m}
- temor (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone] {m}
- pavor (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone] {m}
- ter medo de (v) [mental condition]
- recear (v) [mental condition]
- fobia (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone] {f}
- Medo
- medoa
- temoras
EN DE Tedesco 18 traduzioni
- ängstigen (v) [mental condition]
- Schreck {m}
- befürchten (v) [mental condition]
- fürchten (v) [mental condition]
- Angst (n) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone, anxiety] {f}
- Furcht (n) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone, anxiety] {f}
- Ängstlichkeit {f}
- Sorge {f}
- Bammel (n) {m}
- Ehrfurcht {f}
- Schrecken (n) {m}
- Phobie (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone] {f}
- Angst haben
- Befürchtung (f)
- Grauen (n) {n}
- Scheu
- Black Scorpion
- Fear - Wenn Liebe Angst macht
EN NL Olandese 8 traduzioni
- vrezen [mental condition]
- doodsbang zijn voor (v) [mental condition]
- vrees (n) [anxiety] {m}
- angst (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone, anxiety] {m}
- beklemming {f}
- schrik (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone] {m}
- bang zijn voor (v) [mental condition]
- benauwdheid {f}
EN SV Svedese 11 traduzioni
- frukta [mental condition]
- bäva (v) [mental condition]
- ängslan (n) [anxiety] (u (invariable))
- rädsla [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone] (u)
- farhåga (n) [anxiety] (u)
- fruktan (n v adj) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone, anxiety] (invariable)
- skräck (u)
- befara
- vara rädd för (v) [mental condition]
- Rädsla
- rädas
EN CS Ceco 10 traduzioni
EN PL Polacco 11 traduzioni
- niepokój
- obawiać się (v)
- strach (n) {m}
- trwoga (n) {f}
- lęk (n) [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone]
- bać się
- lękać się (n)
- bojaźń (n) {f}
- niepokoić się
- Strach
- czuć niepokój
EN DA Danese 6 traduzioni
- angst [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone]
- frygt [a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone]
- frygte
- være bange for
- Phobos (måne)
- være bange
EN BG Bulgaro 3 traduzioni
EN RU Russo 6 traduzioni